Facing Monsters digs deep into the psyche of enigmatic West Australian ‘slab wave’ surfer Kerby Brown, a man whose connection with the ocean runs as deep as his love for his family. This film is far more than just a surfing story. It’s an unapologetic musing into the essence of Kerby and his family as we join them on his quest to ride a ferocious slab wave in the deep Southern Ocean that no one on the planet has surfed before. It’s a film about fear, addictions, and family bonds as we explore what drives Kerby, what anchors him and why he’s obsessed with pitting himself against one of nature’s most intimidating forces.

Facing Monsters by Andrew Semark is a 140 page high quality print, hardcover book based on the feature documentary film Facing Monsters.
Andrew's book is a combination of photography work shot on location for the film as well as other unseen surf trips with Kerby over the last decade. It also incorporates words from some of the film's top collaborators.

10% of book profits will be donated to the charity Lifeline. Thankyou for all the support.Its greatly appreciated.